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Discover Pueblo on a bicycle this summer! Join the fun Bike Bingo Card challenge marking off boxes riding different trails, finding cool places, and meeting new people!  
Click here for the full list of events
Click here for waiver


1.  Pick up a Pueblo Bike Bingo Card (or print at home) at one of our events or one of the participating businesses listed below.  Only one card per person may be turned in.  This is a free event for anyone living, working or visiting Pueblo - come check out Pueblo on a bicycle, Ebike, scooter or skateboard-everyone is welcome to play Bike Bingo! 


2. Grab a friend or family member and hit the trails, ride somewhere new and start marking off the Bingo card.  Take a picture of yourself or your group at each Bingo box in case we spot check your card.  


3.  Join a group ride at a promoted event below and meet new people, ride new places! Bingo Cards will be given out at events below while supplies last.​

4.  Share the fun on social media with #RidePueblo


  • Take a picture of you or your friends or family for each Bingo Card box or along any ride.

  • Get creative, have fun and show off what Pueblo has to offer! 

  • Share the Bike Bingo fun on your social media using #RidePueblo to encourage more people to join the fun challenge. Please make sure your post is public and tag us.

  • ​We will search the hashtag weekly and recognize 1-2 fun, unique or beautiful photos of people riding in Pueblo and knocking out the Bingo Card.

  • Each photo recognized will win a jar of Pueblo Salsa and be entered in a drawing on June 29th for a Photo Competition prize!  

5.  Participation is completely voluntary and at your own risk. None of the volunteers, participating organizations or sponsors are responsible for your riding or your safety. You assume all risks participating in this challenge and group rides.  Ride responsibly and defensively.  Check out Safety Videos for ways to ride safe and be visible (Hint - it's also a Bingo box!)  By participating, you agree to this liability waiver for yourself, your children and family members. 


​PRIZES:   See all the prizes here  for turning in your Bingo Card for the raffle drawing on Saturday, June 29th at Fuel & Iron. May only win one raffle drawing prize.​

  • Grand prizes:  New Belgian Bicycle or an overnight at the Orman Mansion or the Abriendo Inn with concert!  To get a special raffle ticket for it, you must complete all boxes on the Bingo Card  - a blackout!  You will also get 2 regular raffle tickets.  If not interested in the grand prize, may trade for a third regular raffle ticket.  Must be present June 29th to win the Grand Prize.

  • Other prize drawings: 

    • One raffle ticket for a minimum of 3 Bingos (3 lines of boxes)

    • A second raffle ticket for a minimum of 6 Bingos (6 lines of boxes completed)  ​

    • If out of town June 29th, there will be an option to email a picture of your Bingo Card (no later than Thurs June 27th at 4 pm) to be entered in the raffle for a regular prize. The prizes will be held at the PACOG office until noon on 7/11 for winners to pick up. After that they will be donated to the Silent Auction for Green Chile Bike Bank 7/11 at 7:30 pm at Walter's Brewery. No prizes will be mailed. Email picture of your Bingo card, your name and phone number to

    • You must write your name and phone number on raffle tickets. You can only win once so we will start giving away the big prizes first. If you're drawn again, we will go to the next ticket drawn for that prize.


GET INVOLVED!  PACE is looking for sponsors and participating Bicycle Friendly Businesses to keep the fun rolling this summer! 

Check out our Sponsorship Opportunities!

Bingo Cards available at the Tues & Thurs rides above, libraries, the Chamber, El Pueblo Museum and local participating bike and coffee shops.


  • Saturday, June 1 - AMR Safety Jam
    Community event@ Lake Minnequa Park 

  • Every Tuesday 5:30 pm - Red Creek Rally 
    Gravel group ride - rough roads, more miles 

  • Every Thursday 6:00 pm - Cruisin' Pueblo 
    Mellow all-abilities in-town group ride 

  • Friday, June 7 - First Friday Art Walk 
    Community event@ numerous art galleries in town 

  • Wednesday June 26 - Colorado Bike to Work Day 
    Bike to Work Day central breakfast stop at SRDA (230 N Union Ave) 6:30-8:30 am. Want to host a table, give away some snacks or fruit at the stop?  Email! 

  • Wednesday June 26 - Bike FROM Work Happy Hour 
    4-6 pm New Belgium happy hour@ Fuel & Iron - buy one get one free beer on tap.

  • Saturday June 29 - SoCO Art Ride Community ride & bicycle inspired event, Bike Month awards@ Fuel & Iron. Bring a lock to secure your bike. 

    • 2-6 pm Turn in bingo card for raffle tickets for prizes at 6:30 pm.

    • 2-5 pm Decorate your bike and helmet with Mad Fresh Productions 

    • Scavenger Hunt (canceled)

    • 5-6 pm-SoCo Art Ride (4-5 mile casual ride on the levee) with Fuel & Iron and Grassroots Gravel. F&I will judge best decorated bike and costumes to be recognized.

    • 6:30 Bike Bingo Prize giveaways by PACE

    • 6-8:30 pm International Bicycle Flat Tire Series by Grassroots Gravel

    • After 8:30 pm Silent Auction closes for the Cruiser bikes painted by local artists - all proceeds will benefit Mad Fresh Promotions working with youth in the community.

Gold Level Sponsors

Organizing Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Bronze Level Sponsors

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PACE (Pueblo Active Community Environments) has advocated for a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community by working with PACOG (Pueblo Area Council of Governments including City of Pueblo, Pueblo County, Pueblo West Metro, CDOT, Lake Pueblo State Park) and more. We advocate for connected bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, bike racks, advocate for safety, started weekly Cruiser Rides in 2011 and Bike to Work events, Commuter Cup Challenge in 2010 to connect with others at a human pace.  We want to promote all the active options you can enjoy in our amazing community with 330 days of sunshine a year!


We meet once monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Check out "About PACE" for details on meetings, events & projects to get involved.


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