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Projects over the Years

PACE has been involved in many of the projects and improvements for bicycles and pedestrians since 2007. We focus on making an impact at government level with long term planning, Health Department efforts, pursuing funding and plans to provide a connected network for self-propelled motion.  


When nobody was riding, we did a lot of encouragement activities to get some wheels rolling!  We are thankful for Cruisin' Pueblo loyal volunteers that have kept our initial weekly summer rides going and have built up a huge following!  We have promoted Bike to Work events, Bike to School since 2009.

Multi-use trails efforts:


2021 County master plan for Arkansas River trail connection to the Mesa area.  PACE attended and commented at public meetings since 2018. PACE was surprised to see no off-street connection in the plan but yet a pavement overlay for Hwy 227 and young cyclists expected to take lane over river with heavy semi truck traffic.


2021 advocate for city and county to connect Ruynon Fields into the river trail with short trail segment.


2006 SRTS grant for Sierra Vista trail Pueblo West, STS trail extension


Lake Minnequa soft surface trail, fields, outdoor amenities 2009


Purple way-finding signs along trails - 2015

Updated for bike tool stations in 2021


Pursued funding from Lottery for River trail map

and signs posted as access points. Also painted

mile markers along the trails.  2013


Raised awareness to problem areas needing maintenance and reconstruction:  Moffat bridge non-ADA compliant, trail flooding, missing concrete to provide trail connectivity to street routes (8th St bridge, Main St. trailhead), Pueblo West trail gaps, etc.


Advocated along with Southern Colorado Trailbuilders securing the protection of single track trails at Lake Pueblo during the master planning process. Volunteer at Trail Work days at Lake Pueblo and Pueblo Mountain Park (Carhart Trail)


Involved in trail user counts, pursued funding for counters and Gopro for bike lane counts.  Promote use of Strava Global Heat maps to show cyclist use of bike lane routes.



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Bike route identification & maps


Establish color coded routes similar to ski area ratings for cyclist to select their own comfort level:

  • Green routes - Beginner:  low traffic, slower speed, neighborhood streets

  • Blue routes - Intermediate:  higher volume traffic, more width or need to stripe bike lane, pavement marking or signage for bikes

  • Black routes  - Expert:  much higher volume traffic, highways, fast traffic but has wide shoulder for bikes

  • Off-street trails  - off-street, away from traffic


Printed bike route maps in 2010 and 2019.

  • Includes City of Pueblo on side, Pueblo West and Lake Pueblo trails other side. 

  • Educational graphics

  • Phone numbers for street sweeping and maintenance for each jurisdiction

Bike Lanes & multi-users along roads:   


2017 submitted a Land Use text amendment to Pueblo County Planning to elevate connectivity problems in business areas outside city limits.  Very little attention is made regarding pedestrian connectivity between businesses requiring a drive. PACE researched other land use text and submitted an amendment but has been told to wait for the 2021 Strategic Master Plan completion. We advocated for this during the public comment programs. We also submitted amendment for Bike Parking ordinance to match the city standard. 


2021 involved in many project master plans for Union & Main St pedestrian improvements. Bike lanes were discussed heavily but plan includes removal of bike lane on Union.


5th Street two-way bike lane project in 2015. Supported the plan but learned lessons to come in a blog.  Bike lanes were removed in 2017 due to business opposition.


Elizabeth and Greenwood bike lanes  - 2014

  • Neighbors begged city leaders/police to slow traffic in this area. So passing/drag race lane removed for buffered bike lane


Lake Avenue bike lanes from Lincoln to Indiana - 2016


Grand/Alan Hamel buffered bike lanes - 2018


Green way-finding signs along street bike routes - 2015


Fight to maintain a shoulder on McCulloch Blvd reconstruction in 2010. PWMD board members attempted to narrow road to save money. Shows importance of safe, quality road standards needed.


Appealed to PACOG to require jurisdictions to ask for PACE involvement and comments on road striping in new construction or pavement overlays.  This was after Pueblo Blvd and 11th St traffic signal reconstruction included abrupt angle curbing blocking shoulder forcing cyclists into roadway. A cyclist was injured, hospitalized 4 nights after near miss with motor vehicle here. 

  • Review striping plans for pavement overlays (City of Pueblo and CDOT now good at getting input to prevent dangers)


Advocated 2011-2016 for 36 inch minimum paved shoulder on Lake Pueblo roads. Error in striping in 2013 resulting in minimal shoulder so advocated for correct striping wit 2016 road and trail reconstruction.  Elevated concerns to Bicycle Colorado and the Governor's office. 


Review of bicycle and pedestrian injuries and fatalities for education, infrastructure improvements.  

Green bike route way finding sign
Bike Tool Stations:


Pursued funding, coordinated maintenance with graffiti crew and local volunteers, installation by City Parks and Rec and Lake Pueblo.


Installed six tool stations:  Lake Pueblo Arkansas Point, Nature Center, Kayak Park, Moffat bridge/Grove area, Plaza Verde Park, Lake Minnequa community garden by Corwin school. 

Promote kayaking, SUP and swimming locally:


Lobbied Riverwalk to allow paddling in channel - approved 2013


Lobbied 2013-2021 for open water swimming at Lake Pueblo.  We can finally swim in 2022!


Promote the Pueblo Levee Murals and artists.  In 2021, PACE hired artist, Celeste Vasquez, to paint the Active Pueblo mural depicting active living on our trails in all four seasons. 




Bike Rack efforts:


When PACE started, you had to lock your bike to a tree or a trash can.  There were bike racks but often behind buildings by the dumpster out of site and mind. 


Produced a Bike Parking Guide explaining what racks work, where to place them, how to place them to avoid sidewalk obstructions. 2010


Worked with local welders and recyclers to produced racks locally. All D70 schools have racks built by PCC students. 2010


Pursued grant funding from Kaiser Permanente and Pueblo West Women's League to install 50 inverted bike racks, provide a mobile bike rack for events. 2013-2014


2010 Bike Parking ordinance for City of Pueblo established requirement to provide by rack at any new construction/expanded footprint for businesses requiring 20 car parking spots.  The county adopted this same text.  City updated ordinance to drop number of car spots to 15 to require one bike rack.  


Advocated against strict color and decorative designs for downtown area bike racks (didn't succeed).  PACE wants to see more inverted U racks that are functional, secure, obviously a bike rack and in front of more businesses.  


Mapped and photographed bike rack locations 2012


Public meetings to educate government officials on importance of bike parking and where they actually do or do not have parking

Community and Public Outreach on Health Promotion, Built Environment:


2021 EBikes for low income essential worker grant through Pueblo County funded 42 Ebikes. Provided bike safety at launch programs, started community EBike support Facebook page.  


2009-2019 Hosted Bike/Walk to Work events (2020-2021 impacted by pandemic). Commuter education resources, worked with employers.


2010-2015 Hosted county-wide Bicycle Commuter Cup 

Challenge promoting bike commuting May and June


2010-2014 Walk-n-Wheel campaign


2015 Sitting is the New Smoking campaign


2014-2015 Get Pueblo Moving campaign, Take 5 Challenge, Rx to Walk program with medical providers.


2010 started weekly bicycle rides that have grown into the popular Cruisin' Pueblo cruiser rides


Host Earth Day ride, bike class or trail clean up


2009 presentation to CSU Pueblo Health promotion majors the importance of the Built Environment.  

Bike law and Safety education:


Trained all Pueblo Police Department officers Bike Law and Safety - first in the state! 2010


Updated the Uniform Traffic Code for City of Pueblo to incorporate state-wide bicycle laws - 2012-2014


2007 grant for series of Bicycle Safety and Pedestrian safety videos for Safe Routes to School programs.  The vides were designed to be shown in schools but have also played on County Public Access TV channel since 2009


Produced education videos on how to ride and drive around Bike Lanes, Sharrows - 2011


Produced an entire campaign of materials on iShare the Road.  Printed materials, videos, events in 2016


Two League Cycling Instructors (LCI) for Bicycle Safety classes available for events such as annual Safety Jam, school events, cycling groups.


Periodic radio PSAs (Public Service Announcements) on promoting safe cycling, driver awareness of vulnerable road users, promoting healthy, active outdoor options.


Presenter at Colorado Bike Summit panel on Bikelash 2017 and Colorado Springs Bike Summit on Getting involved in Advocacy

PACE originated from Steps to a Healthier Pueblo grant in 2003-2005 and the Livewell Grant 2006-2010 at the Pueblo City-County Health Department.

  • 2004 Developed a Pueblo Active Community Environments Task Force with City and County Planners, Engineers, Transportation Staff, Home developers, community members.

  • 2005 started Fitness on the Riverwalk classes with the YMCA and HARP with Board of Water Works as sponsor

  • 2005 - Sent Planners, Engineers, Home Developers and Recreation Leaders to Building Livable Community Conference in Denver.  Conducted an Active Community Environments Conference at CSU Pueblo.

  • 2006 Sent community leaders to Building Livable Communities Conference in Denver.

  • 2006 started work on developing which went through various designs over the years.

  • 2007 started working on policy/ordinances in City of Pueblo. 

  • 2008 Established Pueblo Urban Gardens group. 

  • 2008 Hosted an Active Living Design Workshop in Pueblo for 88 participants.  Send city and county officials to Active Living by Design Workshop in Greeley, CO.

  • 2009 hosted Bikeability and Walkability assessments. Printed first Bike Route map. Distributed mini-grants for improving the Built Environment near schools, businesses and organizations. Pedestrian Connectivity Ordinance passed.

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PACE (Pueblo Active Community Environments) has advocated for a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community by working with PACOG (Pueblo Area Council of Governments including City of Pueblo, Pueblo County, Pueblo West Metro, CDOT, Lake Pueblo State Park) and more. We advocate for connected bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, bike racks, advocate for safety, started weekly Cruiser Rides in 2011 and Bike to Work events, Commuter Cup Challenge in 2010 to connect with others at a human pace.  We want to promote all the active options you can enjoy in our amazing community with 330 days of sunshine a year!


We meet once monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Check out "About PACE" for details on meetings, events & projects to get involved.


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